GGshow reloaded GGshow reloaded

February 10, 2013

Interesting route of

Try run this command in your terminal:

traceroute -m 100

Or if you are using Windows:

tracert -h 100

It gives output like this:

 17     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 18   595 ms   619 ms   608 ms  Episode.IV []
 19   566 ms   605 ms   703 ms  A.NEW.HOPE []
 20   580 ms   658 ms   629 ms []
 21   587 ms   648 ms   658 ms  Rebel.spaceships []
 22   564 ms   629 ms   619 ms  striking.from.a.hidden.base []
 23   565 ms   658 ms   610 ms  have.won.their.first.victory []
 24   611 ms   622 ms   619 ms  against.the.evil.Galactic.Empire []
 25   564 ms   600 ms   618 ms  During.the.battle []
 26   643 ms   641 ms   624 ms  Rebel.spies.managed []
 27   575 ms   638 ms   598 ms  to.steal.secret.plans []
 28   614 ms   645 ms   612 ms  to.the.Empires.ultimate.weapon []
 29   639 ms   688 ms   702 ms  the.DEATH.STAR []
 30   596 ms   639 ms   629 ms []
 31   562 ms  1452 ms   378 ms []
 32   405 ms   389 ms   409 ms []
 33   426 ms   438 ms   438 ms []
 34   442 ms   441 ms   449 ms  sinister.agents []
 35   436 ms   559 ms   439 ms  Princess.Leia.races.home []
 36   417 ms   448 ms   441 ms  aboard.her.starship []
 37   430 ms   438 ms   438 ms  custodian.of.the.stolen.plans []
 38   452 ms   450 ms   449 ms []
 39   463 ms   430 ms   427 ms  people.and.restore []
 40   444 ms   469 ms   439 ms []
 41   535 ms   438 ms   449 ms  0-------------------0 []
 42   437 ms   498 ms   439 ms  0------------------0 []
 43   426 ms   438 ms   449 ms  0-----------------0 []
 44   436 ms   439 ms   478 ms  0----------------0 []
 45   444 ms   438 ms   449 ms  0---------------0 []
 46  2227 ms   387 ms   388 ms  0--------------0 []
 47   392 ms   581 ms   399 ms  0-------------0 []
 48   406 ms   399 ms   398 ms  0------------0 []
 49   416 ms   448 ms   449 ms  0-----------0 []
 50   416 ms   438 ms   438 ms  0----------0 []
 51   435 ms   438 ms   438 ms  0---------0 []
 52   445 ms   458 ms   449 ms  0--------0 []
 53   437 ms   438 ms   435 ms  0-------0 []
 54   612 ms   448 ms   448 ms  0------0 []
 55   443 ms   480 ms   448 ms  0-----0 []
 56   455 ms   469 ms   494 ms  0----0 []
 57   402 ms   398 ms   398 ms  0---0 []
 58   415 ms   399 ms   388 ms  0--0 []
 59   428 ms   448 ms   433 ms  0-0 []
 60   458 ms   440 ms   439 ms  00 []
 61   436 ms   458 ms   459 ms  I []
 62   429 ms   449 ms   449 ms  By.Ryan.Werber []
 63   437 ms   458 ms   447 ms  When.CCIEs.Get.Bored []
 64   475 ms   456 ms   471 ms []
 65   437 ms   438 ms   438 ms  FIN []

Trace complete.
Filed under: Linux,Windows — Tags: , , , , , , — GG @ 6:37 pm

September 10, 2012

jQuery Windows

jQuery Windows is a jQuery plugin to build web application platform in web based Windows interface.


jQuery Windows


  • jquery library
  • jQuery UI
  • jQuery Windows plugin


  • Demo 1 – Startup jQuery Windows
  • Demo 2 – Startup jQuery Windows with parameters
  • Demo 3 – jQuery Windows loaded into iframe
  • Demo 4 – Integrating jQuery Windows to existing webpage


  1. Include script and stylesheet
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
  2. startup Jquery Windows

    or startup with parameters

        data : '',
        config : {
        startupHandler : startup,
        shutdownHandler : shutdown


  • data : path to the web application data file, default ‘’
  • config : jQuery Windows interface configurations
    • backgroundColor : desktop background color, default ‘#000’
    • backgroundImage : desktop background image path, default ”
    • backgroundOption : available options [ ‘fill’ / ‘stretch’ / ‘fit’ / ’tile’ / ‘center’ ]
    • startupFullscreen : start full screen mode when startup, default false.
    • shutdownExitFullscreen : exit full screen mode when shutdown, default false.
    • showFullscreenButton : display a full screen button on menu, default false.
    • showShutdownButton : display a shutdown button on menu, default false.
  • startupHandler : event handler function when startup jQuery Windows
  • shutdownHandler : event handler function when shutdown jQuery Windows

Parameters are optional.
startup and/or shutdown function must be exist if startupHandler and/or shutdownHandler is defined.

Data Format:
Web applications and categories data for jQuery Windows stored in JSON data.

        "TITLE":"Category 1",
            "TITLE":"Application 1-1",
            "TITLE":"Application 1-2",
        "TITLE":"Category 2",
            "TITLE":"Application 2-1",
            "TITLE":"Application 2-2",

Parameters are optional.
Detail parameters for separate application window please refer to data format in demo.
Full screen function & button is available only for web browsers which support JavaScript requestFullscreen method.


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