GGshow reloaded GGshow reloaded

September 22, 2009

It took long path to be approved

Due to an unknown reason, the latest version of GG Commands MXP file takes 4 months to online.
I’ve got some negative comments regarding this problem.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused. It was unintended.

Below is the submission log:

Submitted the MXP file to Adobe Exchange. Status: Pending Admin Review.

More than 6 weeks MXP submitted, still pending admin review, contacted Adobe.

Adobe Exchange feedback that previous submitted MXP file was unsuccessfully uploaded.
Uploaded the MXP again. Status: In QA Process.

It has been almost 2 months the new MXP file in QA Process, but it is still not approved. Contacted Adobe again.

The GG Commands v2 MXP file has finally been approved by Adobe Exchange, and released.

The newest MXP file is now can be downloaded from Adobe Exchange.
For those who has downloaded it previously, please download it again. GG Command v2

More free Flash extension

Filed under: GG's Flash Extensions — Tags: , , , , — GG @ 1:01 pm

May 22, 2009

GG Commands v2.0.0

GG Commands is a free JSFL commands extension package, it makes jobs easier in Flash. After you download and install the GG Commands v2, you can access it from Commands menu.

The current version includes 7 useful commands below:
– Distribute to Keyframes
– Duplicate Selection
– Frames Selection Report
– Insert Multiple
– Resize Text
– Scale to Stage
– Slice Bitmap Instance

After you download and install the GG Commands v2, you can access it from Commands menu (screenshot).

Distribute to Keyframes
– Distributes selected text fields and symbol instances to keyframes.

Duplicate Selection
– Duplicate selected elements with specified quantity, scale, and rotation.

Frames Selection Report
– Generates report for number of selected frames in timeline

Insert Multiple
– Insert multiple frames, keyframes, blank keyframes, or layers.

Resize Text
– Resize selected text field to user defined width and height.

Scale To Stage
– Scale selected shape/instance to the stage size, or with margin.

Slice Bitmap Instance
– Slice selected bitmap instance to rows and columns.

Warning: Slice Bitmap Instance command still has a unstablity problem causing the Flash IDE to quit or not responding. Please remember to save your document before slice.

December 7, 2008

Dynamic Chord Diagram

A single SWF file to generate diagrams for all kinds of guitar chords.
Pass a variable from HTML to SWF when loading it.


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

It is customizable…

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.) (Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

It is scalable…

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.) (Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.) (Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.) (Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)
Filed under: Flash Platform,GG's Flash Extensions,Web — Tags: , , — GG @ 2:09 pm

September 21, 2008

Download free TrueType Fonts

These TrueType fonts originally created for solving problem in Flash, but it can be used elsewhere including web and desktop applications.

GG SignDings GG SignDings
GG Subscript Serif GG Subscript
GG Superscript
GG Subscript Sans
GG Superscript Sans
GG Subscript Serif
GG Superscript Serif
GG Root Sans N GG Root Sans N
GG Root Sans Radical
GG Root Sans Radicand

All fonts from GGSHOW.COM are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Filed under: Flash,Web — Tags: , , , , , — GG @ 8:51 pm

February 9, 2008

GG Chinese Text Converter v1

GG Chinese Text Converter is a free flash AS2 Chinese Simplified/Traditional text converter component.

GG Chinese Text Converter can converts text from Chinese Simplified to Chinese Traditional, or Chinese Traditional to Chinese Simplified.

s2t() & t2s() functions

trad_txt.text = componentInstance.s2t(simp_txt.text);
simp_txt.text = componentInstance.t2s(trad_txt.text);


my_btn.onPress = function() {
    trad_txt.text = my_cconv.s2t(simp_txt.text);


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)
Filed under: ActionScript,Flash Platform,GG's Flash Extensions — Tags: , , — GG @ 7:32 pm

October 29, 2007

GG WebSwfExts v1.0.0

GG WebSwfExts is a set of flash component for web based swfs. Version 1.0.0 includes 3 useful components below:
– GG bgColor v1
– GG jsWindow v2
– GG mailto v1

GG bgColor v1
A flash actionscript component integrates DOM document object bgColor property. Allows HTML body background color to be changed by using actionscript command.
Editable Parameters:


[01][02] click to open

GG jsWindow v2
A flash actionscript component integrates JavaScript popup window function, launch JavaScript popup window in Flash, with fully customizable window properties, include toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable, copyhistory, width, and height.

componentInstance.openWindow(url, windowName);
my_btn.onPress = function() {
my_popup.openWindow(“”, “my_window”);

my_btn.onPress = function() {

Editable Parameters:

toolbar Determines whether to include the standard Back, Forward, Home toolbar.
location Determines whether to show the current URL location.
directories Determines whether to show “What’s New” “What’s Cool,” or other buttons.
status Determines whether to have a status bar at the bottom of the window.
menubar Determines whether to include a menu bar at the top of the window.
scrollbars Determines whether to create scroll bars if the document exceeds the window size.
resizable Determines whether the user may resize the window.
copyhistory Determines whether this new window should inherit the current window’s session history.
width Defines how wide the window should be, measured in pixels.
height Defines how tall the window should be, measured in pixels.


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

GG mailto v1
Customizable mailto function in flash, launch users’ email client with complete parameters includes to, cc, bcc, subject, and body.
Editable Parameters:

to Receipients’ email address(es), separated by using semicolon (;). *required
cc cc *optional
bcc bcc *optional
subject email subject *optional
body email message body, use %0A as line break. *optional


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)
Filed under: ActionScript,Flash Platform,GG's Flash Extensions,Web — Tags: , , , — GG @ 3:56 am

July 26, 2007

GG jsWindow

A flash actionscript component integrates JavaScript popup window function, launch JavaScript popup window in Flash, with fully customizable window properties, include toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable, copyhistory, width, and height.

openWindow function
componentInstance.openWindow(url, windowName);


my_btn.onPress = function() {
my_popup.openWindow(“”, “my_window”);


(Either JavaScript is not active or you are using an old version of Adobe Flash Player. Please install the newest Flash Player.)

April 16, 2007

Download GG’s Flash Extensions

GG Components, GG Tools, GG Commands, GG FLV Player Panel, & GG Book pf2 are available at Adobe Exchange. An Adobe ID is required to login and download components from Adobe Exchange. Registration is free.

Download GG's Flash Extensions

Macromedia Flash MX2004 / Flash 8 [Download a 30-day free trial]
Macromedia Extension Manager [Download free]

Installer is distributed as a Macromedia Extension Package (MXP).
To install flash extension, start Macromedia Extension Manager,
Start > All Programs > Macromedia > Macromedia Extension Manager,
File > Install Extension, Browse for the MXP file, select the file, and click Install.

Filed under: GG's Flash Extensions — Tags: , , , , , , — GG @ 11:01 pm

April 2, 2007

GG Key Info Panel v1.0.0

GG Key Info Panel is a free Flash panel for key reference. This panel shows key details includes character, constant, keycode, ascii, hex, and URL encoding for pressed key.

You can access GG Key Info Panel from Window > Other Panels > Key.

GG Key Info Panel

Filed under: GG's Flash Extensions — Tags: , , , , , , , — GG @ 9:05 pm

GG FLV Player Panel v1.1.0

GG FLV Player Panel is a free FLV player run as a panel in Flash. You can preview your flv files directly in Macromedia Flash software without import the flv file. It can load and play any flv located on your local machine or on a web server.

You can access GG FLV Player Panel from Window > Other Panels > FLVpp.

GG FLV Player Panel v1.1.0

Filed under: GG's Flash Extensions — Tags: , , , , — GG @ 9:01 pm
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